The player choose a color and receives 1 master and 4 students. The Master pawn is placed on the temple arch nearest them, and their 4 Student pawns on the 2 squares on either side of the master. Of the 16 game cards, two random move cards are given to each player, face up — this is the player’s “hand”. One more move card is revealed, and placed on the right side of the game play area. The stamp in the lower right hand corner of the card is used to determine the starting player. The rest of the move cards will not be used.
Combat in Onitama is simple and elegant, as befits a contest between two Masters. You and your opponent will take turns following the two steps below, one for the body, one for the spirit.
There are two ways to prove that your Art is stronger — the Way of the Stone or the Way of the Stream.
If you have a legal move, you must take it—even if you don’t want to! Be careful that your opponent does not trap you in a position from which you cannot escape. It is possible that you will find that you cannot use any of your cards to make a legal move. If this happens —and only then— you must pass your turn. None of your pawns will move. But like the river that constantly flows, you cannot remain unchanged: you must still choose one of the two cards in front of you to be placed to the side of the play area, and receive the card from the right of the play area.